Friday, February 19, 2010

Bee otch

You know it is rather quiet amazing when you think about it. How many options people have when choosing what they want to be as adults. With limitless information available on the Internet and colleges and universities around the world offering everything from economics to basket weaving that someone would still choose to be a bitch.

"My word" some of you may say.

Don't get me wrong by no means am I saying being a bitch is easy, nor is it for everyone especially the faint hearted. Being a bitch, a real bitch takes a lot of effort and practice. If your not willing to put in the hard time you will never earn the title of bitch or even queen bitch, you will like many of us just have your moments.

I am questioning why anyone in their right mind, and that may be my answer, would choose to be a bitch. I will set the record straight right now, one chooses to be a bitch, it's not an accident or fate or divine intervention it is a choice just like I don't know maybe not being a bitch. We all know the kind of person I am speaking of. They are kaniving, manipulative, ego centric, stubborn as an ass and often full of their own shit. How they stand themselves is beyond me, but they may share similar qualities to a skunk in that their odour does not bother them, just everyone else.

I am compelled to write of this topic because this week both myself and Soulmate where confronted with the aforementioned "Bitch". We both tried to remain calm, cool and collected but the onslaught of stupidity, which is often the weapon of choice, proved to much. Both of us became angry, ranting lunatics who wanted to do nothing more then what LL Cool J's mother suggested and that is "moma said knock you out". But do to the judicial system here in our country that would result in charges laid and a victory for the whole "bitch" nation. Yes that's right I believe they are a nation, a club whom give lessons to the devil on Saturdays about how to be more evil.

After are individual experiences this week, from two different bitches, both of us where left in awe. It was at this point that the question came up, "why would anyone want to be a bitch" So reflecting on what I know about people and my experiences, here is the answer I have arrived at:

Those who choose to be a bitch do so because they are small, frightened individuals who are threatened by everyone else. Often stuck in a child's mentality they often play games sometimes twisted but usually resulting in them looking like an ass. This is where the logical thinking person would pump the brakes and say hey I just made myself look like an ass. But since they are not logically thinking people they continue on the path of bitch hood, eventually isolating themselves winding up divorced, alone and with 90 cats. There only form of companionship or conversation is with the young children they yell at to get off their lawns. Soon they are so disillusioned they believe everyone else is crazy and they are sane. Eventually they succumb to the toll be a bitch has on the human body and they die. The 90 cats they own eat said bitch and no one cries at the funeral, because no one is there.

Hmmm it would seem that I not only answered the why but also made a prediction.

But like everything it is not to late for you to change, hell Jesus even forgave a criminal hanging on the cross next to him. You can always choose not to be a bitch?

Well maybe if you shut the fuck up and listen you might have caught that last part but odds are your to busy talking and blaming everyone else for your self induced misfortune.......think about it?

Peace and Love,

to most of you

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