Monday, May 10, 2010


Life, unfortunately, is full of disappointment. More tragically is the fact that we often become familiar with it at an early age, often with the learning that icons such as Santa Clause are not real.
Being resilient we deal with these disappointing moments, some times with shedding tears and some times with brat like out bursts of anger. The commonality is that our disappointment is often the result of putting our faith, joy and trust into people who seem God like, but in the end turn out to be mere mortals. Professional athletes seem to be the outlets to which we "plug" our hopes and dreams into. We foolishly believe that they are pure, ethical individuals who hold themselves to the highest standards. I am deeply saddened to report that this my friends is not true.
You see, I put all my trust in a particular cyclist, who's name shall go un-mentioned. The very mentioning of their name strikes the deepest pain into my heart, a pain so un imaginably horrific that time may not be able to heal it.
This pro-athlete, an inspiration to riders everywhere, a rider who rides for a Canadian company, Norco in fact is a cutter. It is true, I am sad to say, but I witnessed the atrocity with my own eyes.
A few days ago I, while on my way to Hardwood, saw this icon, hero of mine if you will commit an act which is unimaginable. Approaching the entrance to Hardwood I saw him coming towards us on his road bike, stunning, perfect form. Of course my heart began to race, the anticipation of watching a prime athlete take the turn into the parking lot. Instead, disappointment. With only a few hundred feet left, a few hundred feet that could have been easily coasted especially given his supreme speed, he cut. He and with a heavy heart I write this cut across the lawn into the parking lot. My heart was shattered into fragments, so many that there is no word in existence to express the number. I shall simply say a lot! Which is of course two words, not one.
I being a person of integrity, confronted this Canadian cycling icon, his rebuttal, more devastating then the cut itself.
"It wasn't taped off", my word. Has it come to this. A short cut needs to be taped off, it's temptation so strong that tape is required to prevent it's taking. A mere mortal I understand, but this professional athlete? I expected more, I expect God like behaviour, Jesus resisted temptation in the Desert, I thought this rider could resist the temptation of a short cut. "For shame" I say "for shame".
I guess, painfully, I have learned a valuable lesson, I am better off putting my faith in an athlete like Tiger Woods. Tiger may cheat on his wife and slut himself around, but Tiger my friends does not take short cuts, no way no how.....

To the athlete in question, you know who you are and in the end you have to live with this deed of cutting, cutting from Old Barrie road into the parking lot of Hard wood Ski and bike, I only hope you are not haunted my this for all time.

Peace and love,
and tears in his eyes.

P.S. This is of course a complete and sarcastic commentary on an event, which holds absolutely no meaning, relavence or value to me but I do, admittedly, get joy no matter how twisted, out of harassing those I consider friends. Andrew Watson, ha there I said your name, sucker!

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is well done ... i knew watson was a cheater
