Obviously for those of you who actually read my blog, you realize that this is my first post in some time. Why? Who really knows, nice weather, bikes, or beer one of these three things seems to have distracted me, but fear not, I have returned.
I am not here to impart wisdom today but rather tell you of the worlds largest dumb ass, no not me, but some thing in my care. Since his adoption, Dexter has demonstrated that he may be the most dimwitted creature in existence, a lovable retard if you will and you will because I control the key board so na na bo bo. Any whore, like many concerned parents we bought a book in hopes that the text would shed light upon the shallow depth of his thinking and allow us to turn our dumb ass doberman into a candidate for best in show. FAIL. The book describes dobermans as "regal" "obedient" dogs who strive to please their owners and whose feelings are easily hurt. By please I believe the author meant piss off and by regal I believe that is "street" for retarded because Dexter is the exact opposite of all descriptions in the book.
Point in case, yesterday during a lovely ride in Copeland, Dexter disappeared. Oh where oh where did he go you may ask? To fend off a vicious attacker, to rescue Timmy form the well? NO like a dumb ass he found him self a pointy little friend. Yes a porcupine who, with a smile on his face, filled Dexters nose with quills. Then like a kid with A.D.D he noticed a deer who he then proceeded to chase. What a fucking dumb ass! I in true god like fashion stayed calm, calling Dexter in such a fashion, " hey you fucking dumb ass, what the fuck is going through your brain?"
The answer of course is nothing. When he finally returned I wanted to go Chuck Norris on his ass and beat him like I owned him, which I do, but he is after all a dog, a dumb ass dog who cannot link one thing to the next so beating him will prove to be futile, enjoyable and stress relieving, but futile. So we calmly proceeded to the car, to the vet and to the pub.
I now realize why parents kick kids out of their homes, because if I had a kid with the intellect of Dexter, I would drop him off at a cornour with a dollar and pat on the back and a "best of luck".
Word to the wise.......fuck I don't have any wise words in this matter. I guess despite everything, training, books, educational videos, at the end of the day a dog is a dog and will do dog things like roll in dead fish, smell crotches and chomp down on porcupines.......
What a fucking dumb ass,
Peace and Love
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