Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Well here is the moment many of you have been waiting for, the moment I admit for the first and what could be the only time that I was wrong.

Aghast, did he just admit to being wrong? Indeed people I have. It was brought to my attention that despite my understanding of the law and my belief in the rights to freedom of speech that I was wrong.

Apparently my writing "offends" some people, hurts the fabric of society. My words, religious views which are exactly that, my views seem to strike at the very moral fibre of some. Well heaven forbid that we all don't share the same ideas. Wouldn't that make life so much easier for things such as organized religion? Imagine the uncountable number of followers religious groups would have if we all just had the same views, their views more specifically. I must have missed the mass e-mail which stated that we were no longer allowed to voice our personnel opinions. Opinions that I don't necessarily expect everyone to share, the bright ones will, but not everyone. I especially missed the portion were holding a religious view not in line with un- named faith to be promoting hate. I a hate monger, I think not. Educator, corrupter or values maybe but hate writer? Hate is such a strong word, I prefer to think of myself as offering a different view.

My view is not one for all, I merely suggest that in the end, judgement day that is, we shoot them all and let ME sort them out. For those of you with exposure to pop culture, you will have realized with your quick wit, that this is a play on the phrase "shoot them all and let God sort them out". What I have done here you see is made a farce that I am god. Maybe I am, maybe I'm not but will all have to just wait and see.

In the end, I would like to think that we all have a sense of humour. I don't expect all to share the same sense of humour because it would mean we would all have to have a fairly high base level of intelligence and of course be literate enough to read. But there I go again spreading hate, my bad.

I will leave you with this quote, one I myself stumbled upon today "God is a comedian playing to an audience to afraid to laugh", well I ain't afraid to laugh, god is a funny mother fucker, I am a funny mother fucker I wonder, coincidence, maybe, maybe not.

Peace and love and all gods, deities, voodoo dolls and other religious junk.

1 comment:

  1. Update your blog please. God knows I don't see you enough at work. So henceforth YOU know I don't see you enough at work.
