Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Well wouldn`t you know it, it`s Tuesday. To some of you that is redundant, you know it is Tuesday and I am merely stating the obvious, congratulations then to you. But to others, like me days seem to blend together, creating more of a montage then a week. Do to my schedule, grooming some nights, working some days everything just melts together and I tend to lose track of what day it is.

So as I sit here, I realize that i have not delighted and tickled your minds for several days, this in part to my weird schedule. So I shall then attempt to update you in my life happenings up until this day.

The week end was beautiful, blue sky`s and cold. When I arrived at Hardwood on Saturday morning, I discovered the temperature to be in the minus to cold to fucking do anything. However it was demo day, so I watched as sales reps struggled, braving the cold to set up their tents, pull out their skis and smile, which was easy. If you could muster one your face would be frozen in that position shortly thereafter so you were pretty much set for the day.

I am still amazed at the number of people who come out and ski or more accurately drink hot chocolate on days like that. The parking lot was full and the chalet was alive with skiers, some coming in to warm up and others heading out. I glimpsed this all from the warmth of A)Chalet B)Cat house, I spent my day running between the two retaining as much heat as possible. Call me what you will, but I prefer to be warm, give me a heat lamp and a rock, maybe some crickets and I am the perfect lizard.

Sunday proved to be more inviting, for about 5 minutes so we, that is to say soulmate and I plus the dog went on a 3 hour snowshoe, which very literally drained my batteries. I returned, tired, smiling and ready to sit down for double the time spent snowshoeing, it is proper recovery, look it up if you don`t believe me...........ass

Monday was a day onto itself. Soulmate had several meetings in Toronto and I having nothing to do opted to drive her. So before the sun got it`s ass out of bed, we were on the road. By some miracle the drive in was amazingly fluid, very little stopping and hardly any rubbernecking. I spent my day drinking coffee at an assortment of Starbucks`s all of which where no more then 10 mins walk. I sipped away my day and read a lot. I also remained constantly amused by those in the rat race. Dashing out into traffic, nearly meeting their end all to get somewhere. Where, who cares but more then likely no where worth dying for. Odds are if they meet their demise whilst trying to get to work, the HR department would just pull out a hat and shake up a pile of resume`s, dropping them in and grabbing one at random.

Blah, Blah, Blah that is what you are hearing I know, I have rambled on about nothing so, I will wrap it up for today as I feel like it and it is my blog so, bye.

Peace and Love

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