Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Vega -a-tarian

So a little over a year ago I made the choice to become a vegetarian, not because I am against the slaughter of animals or because I am some radical, free thinking, tie dyed shirt wearing hippie. Well, actually I am but I try to limit my ti-dye wearing to odd days or every other Thursday. I chose to become a "veggie" because something about it called to me, so I listened and thought I would give it a try. Initially I had some concerns, but they were limited mainly to sources of protein. With a little searching, the answers were found and I have been healthy and happy.

The reason I have brought this up today is because I am still amazed when people find out your a vegetarian, the response is slightly more reserved then that of discovering your dad is a terrorist but there is still a gasp of astonishment which is always followed by one of two responses. The first is "isn't it hard" and the second is a snotty, better then you "I couldn't do it". Usually after one of these two responses there is several stupid ass questions, usually based on ignorance or slow sanapson firing.

Let me address these questions. For me and this is strictly based on my own personal experience, no being a vegetarian isn't hard. I really didn't eat much meat prior to my choice so the transition was really easy. Plus I am not a picky eater and love fresh fruit and vegetables.

The more often response, "I couldn't do it", is usually delivered with an arrogance which is based on ignorance because if you knew where your meat came from and what they do to it odds are you would vomit and opt for a salad. Ignorance is bliss, but let me enlighten you a bit with some fun facts about mass produced, grade "A" meat.

As our population steadily increases so does our consumption rate and we are really good at gobbling up things, usually useless shit, if you are doubting me just look around, how many dollar stores do you see? So back to the case at point. In order to feed this mass population we have devised some clever ways to mass produce animals, no more chickens pecking the ground or cows in the field grazing with a smile. Chickens today come from, basically, three main "growers" and don't see light. That's right these poor sons of bitches are kept in the dark 24/7 Overfed and jacked up on more drugs then your local crack fiend. They gain so much weight, so quickly that they can't even stand. That is some fucked up shit. Then they are butchered, packaged and consumed. Oh did I mentioned cleaned with ammonia. Then we gobble them up, chemicals, hormones a whole buffet of shit. Take a look around, chicken breasts aren't the only breast getting bigger. Question, you think the hormones they feed chickens come out in the processing, wake the fuck up this isn't laundry and these aren't grass stains.

Pigs and cows share the same fate, put they get to stand outside. What a lovely image, a herd of suntanned fat asses, with needles in their arms standing knee high in their own shit. Dinner anyone.

Now this isn't what motivated me in my choice, but I am sure glad I made it. I am sure some of you think I am "preaching" or self righteous and I just may be, but the fact of the matter is that we don't need to be ingesting this kind of shit. This process of food production isn't limited to meat, fruits and vegetables are druggies too. Picked early, put on ships and trains and "fogged" with toxic gases to give them that "fresh just picked look"

What can you do? The answer is simple buy local, buy organic.If you chose eat meat , but buy free range organic meat. The kind that comes from animals that get to be animals, eat grass, shit in a field, walk around. Yes this will cost more money so you may have to make some changes to your spending but isn't living healthier or longer worth it. Maybe we should be asking are governments why pop and chips are cheaper then a head of lettuce or why fast food restaurants have dollar menus and you can't even buy a bottle of water for that. Think that beef on that dollar burger is real?

I am sure some of you think I am fucking ridiculous and out of my mind. I am sure that those of you with this opinion are probably smokers which speaks volumes about your intelligence. Look I am just concerned about the health of our planet because to the best of my knowledge we can't just pick up and move. For those of you who just don't care I suggest wrapping your lips around your tail pipe and just sucking for a bit, mmmmm.

I will leave you with this question. Do you think that the chemicals we use to "help" our food along disappears when the animal is slaughtered, do you think it might end up in our bodies, in the air in our water?

Peace and love
And healthy food at fair prices

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