Saturday, December 19, 2009

As Christmas rapidly approaches, bringing with it the new year I have found myself in deep contemplation about what the last year has meant and what I have gained and what I have lost. Let me assure you that the gains far out way the loses, but loses they remain.

For those of you just tuning in, this past year has been, if anything one change after the other without end. I went into this year with a feeling that has become very normal for me and with a statement that I have said aloud for the last several years "this year some big things are going to happen!"

I haven't been wrong yet. This year's theme was change. A theme that echoed in every aspect of my life. I found my soulmate and we began our journey forward. I sold my house and quit my job. None of which were has to's or suppose to be's all were done of my own choosing. What I gained, out side of a pair of balls, was my perfect life, a dream life. I have found the love of my life, we live in an amazing place, and have an amazing home. All of which we created together.

As the end of the year approaches I find myself waiting to be struck with it, that feeling that has become so familiar. Yet, as each day passes I do not see it's arrival. Let me be clear, I do not need anymore "big years". I have lived more life in my 29 years then a lot do in their entire time on this planet. The fact is that this familiar feeling has been replaced with one that I can't quite place.

I am overwhelmed with the thought that perfection is not the end, it is a foundation. I feel as though I must take this and build upon it, strive harder and with more determination to become the person I desire to be. Who that person is, remains the question. I posses all of the tools, knowledge and drive to be whom ever I choose.

I am ready to take these next steps forward, on a trail not walked before. I will not be a zombie, but a leader who carves out his own path, even if it is to failure. I am prepared to "bury" relationships and friendships which should have been allowed to die years ago. They say to remember history or else you will repeat it. I disagree, if you are always thinking about the past, how can you ever move forward and expect to not repeat it?

So here is the plan, an idea to start this year. I will make a list of all the things I choose to let go of. No holds back, weather they are thoughts, behaviours or people. I will raise a drink to years past and burn the list. The intent is this; new life begins out of fire it is re-birth. I invite you to do the same. Make a list, put on it whatever you want and burn the mother fucker. Make a statement as to what this new year will bring and go forward with a big pair of balls. It's your life, so live it the way you want too. Trust me on this one, you will be much happier!

Peace and Love.

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts Jason!!!! Welcome to the world you should have been in all along!! oh and I like the paragraphs
