Well, I am learning, slowly learning what it takes to be an athlete. That I realize is a vague statement so I will elaborate.
I was under the preconceived notion that being an athlete required little more then a few key ingredients. 1) The desire to do exceptionally well in a given sport. 2) Have some guidance in the form of a coach 3) Time
I figured that having all of these boxes checked off that I would be an athlete, not to boost to much but a good athlete at that.
I have learned that all though these are necessary pieces to the athlete puzzle that there is one fundamental piece you must have, or else you have a bunch of pieces that don't fit together all that well.
Get your head together, get your shit right.
I have learned, despite having been told, that head games are the major road block in being a good athlete. If your head is not in the game or your heart your fucked. Yes your heart has a big deal to do with things too. It would seem that your brain likes to fuck with your heart and your heart with your brain, like two therapist parents who have an only child.
I find myself completing my training, often with a smile. However the time leading up to the work out is trying. My brain is in constant overdrive, creating reasons why I shouldn't get on the bike. Brain's infamous line is "no one cares if your faster or if you win. Just do what you do ride your bike and no one will expect anything from you"
I have always been the rider who hits the jumps, drops and skinnies. Downhill, dirt jump and trials is what my calling card would say. It has never been "racer" or "athlete"
Well here it is, I might not be the fastest, yet. I might not be a pro, yet. I might not be endorsed or get paid, yet. But I can ride a bike. I know where I am strong and where I am weak. I ride because it fuel my soul and I race because I want to win. I have done more then my fair share of things half assed and I refuse to let this, training and racing be another thing to the list of "almosts"
I will train and I will race and I will do my very best to win and if you don't like that or support me then fuck you. Blunt and to the point.
My life is simple, Love, riding and coffee and pets.
Peace and Love
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